Thought Leadership

Some of the world’s leaders, and leading thinkers from NUS and overseas, regularly gather and add to the rich diversity of thoughts and ideas on our campuses, in Singapore and across the globe.
Here’s what they had to share.

High-tech job woes: Looking back at the dot-com crash and ahead to the future

High-tech job woes: Looking back at the dot-com crash and ahead to the future

Speaker: Samer Elhajjar 19 Aug 2023

With the high-tech job market poised to face increasing complexity in the future, building a support network within the industry is essential. Dr Samer Elhajjar, Senior Lecturer from the Department of Marketing at NUS Business School shares his views.

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Many seriously ill patients end up living for treatment

Many seriously ill patients end up living for treatment

Speakers: Assoc Prof Alethea Yee, Asst Prof Shirlyn Neo and Asst Prof Gillian Phua from the Lien Centre for Palliative Care at Duke-NUS Medical School 18 Jul 2024