Fees for Undergraduate Programmes

At present, undergraduate education at NUS is highly subsidized by the Singapore Government, which pays for the bulk of the operating costs besides the infrastructural costs. The University's fees are reviewed and adjusted periodically to reflect the cost of providing education to students. This section covers the following:

The MOE Tuition Grant is a grant provided by the Government of Singapore to help students manage the costs of full-time tertiary education in Singapore. Eligible Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents and international students enrolled in full-time undergraduate programmes at the autonomous universities may receive it. Singapore Citizens will receive the grant automatically when they commence their studies, while Permanent Residents and international students need to apply for it. Students who apply and accept Tuition Grant offers will only need to pay subsidised fees. The grant amount is differentiated by nationality, with Singapore Citizens receiving the highest level of tuition fee subsidy.

Singapore Citizens need not serve a bond obligation after graduation if they take up a Tuition Grant. Permanent Residents and international students who receive a Tuition Grant are required to work for a Singapore entity for three years upon graduation. Those who do not wish to take up a Tuition Grant and its bond obligation will pay non-subsidised fees throughout their studies

Singapore citizens on Public Service Commission (PSC) scholarships or bursaries will be required to undertake a service bond under the terms of such scholarships or bursaries.

All students, regardless of nationality, admitted to the Faculties of Medicine or Dentistry (in the case of Singapore citizens, only those who are not on PSC scholarships or bursaries) will be required to undertake a service bond with the Singapore Ministry of Health for five or six years for Singapore citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents/International students pursuing the medical programme respectively, and four or five years for Singapore citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents/International students pursuing the dental programme respectively.

If you have further queries after examining the eligibility guidelines for Tuition Grant, please refer to MOE's website on Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), or contact MOE's Tuition Grant Section at:

Tuition Grant Section
Student Placement and Services Division
Customer Service Centre (MOE Podium Block)
Ministry of Education, Singapore
1 North Buona Vista Drive
Singapore 138675

The current annual tuition fees payable are set out here.

The fees for each academic year are published annually in Feb to Apr. For instance, the tuition fees for AY2024/2025 were released in April 2024.

The cohort-based fee system is introduced for the new undergraduate intake of all Faculties/Schools from AY2008/09. Under the cohort-based fee system, tuition fee for an intake cohort of students will be fixed throughout the student's candidature. While fees continue to be reviewed annually and adjustments made as and when necessary with each new cohort of students, each new cohort will know the exact amount of tuition fees they have to pay throughout their candidature. This enables students to better plan for the financing of their undergraduate studies.

National Servicemen who had accepted admission to NUS earlier but plan to register and enroll as a student with the current cohort and beyond will be charged the tuition fees prevailing at the time they accepted their offer of admission. If the National Serviceman does not accept the place first offered and accepts offers to NUS in the subsequent years, he will not be able to enjoy the tuition fee effective in the year of his first offer but will have to pay the tuition fee effective in the latest year of offer which he has accepted. If the National Serviceman accepts the place first offered and successfully changes his course of study in a subsequent year, prior to his enrolment to the University, he will pay the tuition fee of the new programme at the rate applicable to the year of the first offer accepted.

Miscellaneous student fees help meet part of the costs incurred by the University in providing services to the student community that are either not covered or only partially covered by the tuition fee and government subsidy. These services include healthcare for students; facilitating student cultural, social and recreational programmes; and maintaining the internal shuttle bus service, IT network and other campus-wide services.

All students, whether registered on a full-time or part-time basis, are charged the miscellaneous student fees. These are due at the same time as the tuition fees. The miscellaneous student fees are set out here.

The Undergraduate Tuition Fee Policy is instituted to encourage undergraduates to graduate on time within the normal candidature period and have a head start in achieving career success. While the University seeks to give its graduates an edge in the workforce through impactful curriculum and programmes, students are encouraged to exercise personal responsibility on their part in planning their studies/courses well to reap the competitive advantage by graduating on time.

The Tuition Fee beyond Normal Candidature is applicable to students who are admitted into an undergraduate degree under the modular system@ in NUS.

@ Notes:
- UG students admitted to non-modular faculties namely, Medicine / Dentistry / Law where the programme structure and duration are fixed (except Law DDP students whose 2nd degree is registered with a modular faculty), are excluded.
- UG students admitted to Bachelor of Information Technology Programme, Bachelor of Technology Programme and Yale-NUS College are also excluded. The fee policies are managed separately.

With effect from the admission cohort of AY2016/2017, students admitted into an undergraduate degree under the modular system@ in NUS and who take longer than the normal candidature period to complete their degree requirements will have to pay partial non-subsidized fees, culminating in full non-subsidized fees, during the extended semesters.

In view that the Ministry of Education provides a Tuition Grant to subsidize a student's tuition fees up to the normal candidature period, the tuition fee payable beyond that would be the full non-subsidized semestral fees. To mitigate the impact of higher fees, the University undertakes to charge affected students only a proportion of the full non-subsidized semestral fees pro-rated based on the units read in the extended semesters. In addition, the pro-rated full fees payable in the first and second semester beyond normal candidature will be capped at 120% and 150% of the subsidized semestral fees respectively.

The fees payable beyond normal candidature period are summarised in the following table:

Student Type Semester After Normal Candidature Period Revised fee pro-rated based on student's semester workload of x-unit
Single degree students 1st 'Full^ semestral# fees X Workload%*' capped at
'Subsidised semestral# fees X 120%'
2nd 'Full^ semestral# fees X Workload%*' capped at
'Subsidised semestral# fees X 150%'
3rd onwards Full^ semestral# fees X Workload%*
Double degree students 1st 'Full^ semestral# fees X Workload%*' capped at
'Subsidised 9th/10th+semestral# fees X 120%'
2nd 'Full^ semestral# fees X Workload%*' capped at
'Subsidised 9th/10th+semestral# fees X 150%'
3rd onwards Full^ semestral# fees X Workload%*

^Full (non-subsidised) fees are set out under the column "Fees payable by students not in receipt of MOE Tuition Grant" in the undergraduate fees table (refer here).

#Semestral fees refer to half of annual tuition fees set out in the undergraduate fees table (refer here).

*Given that the student reads x-unit of courses in the semester concerned, the 'Workload%' is capped at 100% if x exceeds 20 units and x unit/20 units if otherwise, for fee computation purposes, i.e., tuition fee is pro-rated for workload < 20 units.

+ For Normal Candidature Period for DDP (single or double Honours) – refer here and related fee structure for DDP programmes refer here.

Students who register for course(s) in the Special Term immediately following the expiry of their normal candidature period will continue to pay subsidised fees on a per course basis. However, for the Special Terms beyond that, the Special Term fees payable will be the full non-subsidised semestral fees pro-rated based on the number of units read.

For more information, please refer to the FAQ.

The Office of Finance publishes information on deadlines for fee payments and modes of fee payment. The Office will send an email notification to students, at students' NUS email accounts, to view their Student Bill online at least 2 weeks before the scheduled deadline for fee payment.


Students who do not meet fee payment deadlines stipulated by the Office of Finance, may incur penalty fees. If fees are not paid, or only partially paid, by the due date indicated in the bill, a late fee will be stipulated. Should fees remain outstanding after the relevant fee payment deadline, the University reserves the right to suspend academic rights and privileges, including to withhold degree conferment certifications. In addition, students with overdue fees may have their candidature of study terminated.

Students who leave the University, either through withdrawal of their own accord or termination of candidature by the University, after Instructional Week 2 of the semester will be liable to pay fees for the entire semester. Requests for refund will generally not be considered.


Needy students can apply for financial aid which will be offered if they meet the eligibility criteria. Financial aid will be in the form of a financial aid package which may comprise a combination of loans, bursary, and work-study assistance. Students who are in need of financial assistance should approach the Office of Admissions, which oversees matters pertaining to student financial aid.

The University administers awards, which besides recognizing and rewarding academic excellence and scholarly achievements, also help defray the costs of a University education. For a listing of such awards and respective terms and conditions, please refer here.