Continuation and Graduation Requirements

Minimum standards are set for continuation in a programme of study and graduation. This section covers the following:

GPA for Continuation and Graduation

For students admitted before AY2016/2017:
To graduate, an undergraduate student must have a minimum GPA of 2.00. To remain in good academic standing, and to continue in an undergraduate programme of study, a student may not have:

  • GPA below 2.00 (but ≥ 1.50) for three consecutive semesters; or
  • GPA below 1.50 for two consecutive semesters.

For any semester in which the student's GPA falls below 2.00 (but ≥ 1.50), that student will be issued an academic warning. If, in the following semester, the student's GPA again falls below 2.00, s/he will be placed on probation. If the student's GPA remains below 2.00 for the third consecutive semester, the student will be issued a letter of dismissal by the University Registrar and denied re-admission.

For students whose GPA falls below 1.50 for two consecutive semesters, they will be placed on probation for the first semester, followed by dismissal in the second semester.

For students admitted from AY2016/2017 onwards:
To graduate, an undergraduate student must have a minimum GPA of 2.00. To remain in good academic standing, and to continue in an undergraduate programme of study, a student may not have GPA below 2.00 for two consecutive semesters.

For any semester in which the student's GPA falls below 2.00, s/he will be placed on probation. If the student's GPA remains below 2.00 for the second consecutive semester, the student will be issued a letter of dismissal by the University Registrar and denied re-admission.

A dismissed student may submit an appeal if there are extenuating circumstances, to the relevant Faculty/Department within two calendar weeks of the last day of the release of each semester's examination results. Normally every student is allowed only one such appeal per candidature. If the appeal is rejected, the student will not be re-admitted. If the outcome of the appeal is positive, the student will be given one semester in which to achieve the minimum GPA required for continuation and graduation.

Degree Classification

The criteria for degree classification applicable to students admitted from AY2012/2013 onwards are as follows:

Honours (Highest Distinction) GPA 4.50 and above (ii)
Honours (Distinction) GPA 4.00 – 4.49
Honours (Merit) GPA 3.50 – 3.99
Honours GPA 3.00 – 3.49
Pass GPA 2.00 – 2.99
Pass with Merit GPA 3.00 and above     
Pass GPA 2.00 – 2.99

(i) This refers to 160-unit degree programmes. The Faculty of Law adopts a different Degree Classification as detailed here
(ii) Particular Faculties/Schools may stipulate other requirements.

(iii) This refers to 120-unit degree programmes.


Students may only read up to a maximum of 23 units during the first semester and 27 units for students on specific special programmes like NUS College, double degree programmes, concurrent degree programmes, College of Design and Engineering’s Engineering Scholars Programme, Faculty of Science's Special Programme in Science and students in Residential College programmes reading cross-disciplinary degree programmes in Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Hons), Bachelor of Science (Hons) with Major in Data Science and Economics, Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Philosophy, Politics and Economics.

For subsequent semesters, students can register for up to a maximum of 23 units of courses in Select Courses Round 1 and 2 of Course Registration. From Round 3 onwards, students can register for more courses up to the maximum allowable workload decided by each faculty.

Residency Requirement and Period of Candidature

The University has established a minimum residency requirement, normal candidature and maximum candidature for all NUS degrees, including joint and double degrees with foreign universities.

A. Residency Requirement
A student registered for a Bachelor’s degree must complete at least 50% of required units for the degree programme with NUS courses which are defined as all courses taught, co-taught, supervised or co-supervised by one or more NUS faculty members. These units must be earned from graded courses with assigned grade points or courses with an ‘S’ or ‘CS’ grade.
Students admitted prior to AY2014/2015 should refer to the General Information section of the archived NUS Bulletin for the residency requirement relevant to their year of admission.

B. Normal Candidature
The normal candidature period refers to the normal duration that students are expected to take to complete a programme of study. The normal candidature periods for the various types of degree programmes are indicated in the table below:

S/N Degree Type Normal Candidature Period*
1 Single Degree/Joint Degree Programme (120 units) 6 consecutive semesters
2 Single Degree/Joint Degree Programme (160 units), Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Dental Surgery 8 consecutive semesters
3 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 10 consecutive semesters
4 Double Degree Programme (DDP):
  1. graduating with single honours
  2. graduating with double honours

  1. 9 consecutive semesters
  2. 10 consecutive semesters

* The normal candidature period is defined here to exclude all approved Leave of Absence (LOA) periods.

In addition, with effect from AY2015/16, all new and returning students# are required to read at least 18 units every semester throughout their candidature, except during the following semesters when they are allowed to read fewer units:

  • the final semester before completion of all graduation requirements for the degree; and
  • the semester in which the students are undergoing industrial attachment or doing their final year projects.

For more details, please view the Frequently Asked Questions here.
#Not applicable to students from the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Dentistry, and students enrolled in the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery programme – please refer to respective Faculties for advice on the minimum workload to be maintained.

For tuition fee policy beyond the normal candidature period - refer to here.

C. Maximum Candidature
The maximum candidature period refers to the maximum duration that students can be given to complete a programme of study, failing which a student’s candidature will be terminated. The maximum candidature periods for the various types of degree programmes are indicated in the table below:

S/N Degree Type Maximum Candidature Period*
1 Single Degree/Joint Degree Programme (120 units) 8 consecutive semesters
2 Single Degree/Joint Degree Programme (160 units), Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Dental Surgery 10 consecutive semesters
3 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 12 consecutive semesters
4 Double Degree Programme (DDP) which may involve between 180 units and 200 units  12 consecutive semesters

* The maximum candidature period is defined here to exclude all approved Leave of Absence (LOA) periods

In general, students who have completed their degree requirements by the 6th semester or earlier for 120-unit programmes and the 8th semester or earlier for 160-unit programmes, may be allowed (subject to Home Faculty's approval) one additional semester of study (either a regular semester or Special Term) to improve their GPA standing subject to their reading.

In the case of the additional semester being a regular semester,

  • a minimum workload of 18 units, and
  • only Level-3000 or higher courses

In the case of the additional semester being the Special Term,

  • only Level-3000 or higher courses

Additionally, students are not allowed to opt for a new Minor, Second Major or Double Degree programme beyond the end of the 5th semester of study.

Minimum Unit Requirements for Programme/Major/Second Major, Minor and Specialisations

Programme/Major/Second Major/Minor/Specialisation: A minimum 60% of Programme/Major/Second Major/Minor/Specialisation requirements must be earned from NUS courses which are defined as all courses taught, co-taught, supervised or co-supervised by one or more NUS faculty members. These would consist of graded courses with assigned grade points, or courses with an ‘S' or ‘CS' grade. The other 40% of the requirements may be earned through credit transfers, advanced placement and exemptions, provided these units are earned from courses deemed relevant to the particular Major/Programme/Minor/Specialisation

Please refer to the pages below for more information about the Special Programmes:

(Students admitted prior to AY2014/2015 should refer to “Units excluded from GPA Computation” in the General Information section of the archived NUS Bulletin relevant to their year of admission.)

Advanced Placement Credits and Exemption

Advanced placement credits (APCs) or exemption may be granted for NUS courses taken and passed prior to admission to the University, for courses completed at another tertiary institution recognised by the University, or based on performance in placement tests set by the relevant Faculty. Applications for APCs or credit transfers are assessed on a case-by-case basis, and may be approved or rejected based on the merits of each case.

The granting of APCs or exemption is subject to the following:

Non-NUS courses/diploma
  • Must not have been used to count towards the award of any other degree
  • Must have been completed within the last 5 years prior to the date of admission to the University
  • Transfer of credits for courses will take place without transfer of grades

NUS courses

  • APCs with grade transfer may be granted if student has received a grade ‘D’ grade or above
  • Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grading option for these courses can be exercised, subject to the rules of students’ home faculty, during the S/U declaration exercise which will be conducted upon the result release at the end of each semester and Special Term of the first academic year
  1. Holders of G.C.E. ‘A' Levels, International Baccalaureate or equivalent qualifications who have completed university courses or placement tests through the above-mentioned routes may be granted APCs in relevant courses for up to a maximum of 40 units, as follows:

    • Up to 20 units for Unrestricted Elective Courses; and
    • Up to 20 units for Programme Requirements.

    Such students should apply to the Dean's Office of their home faculty for APCs at the point of admission to the University and within first week of the first semester of study.

  2. Diploma holders of approved programmes from Polytechnics in Singapore admitted to a 120-unit or 160-unit programme may be granted APCs in relevant courses for up to a maximum of 40 units, as follows:

    • Up to 20 units for Unrestricted Elective Courses; and
    • Up to 20 units for Programme Requirements.

    For diploma holders to be granted the relevant APCs Programme Requirements, the diploma must have been completed within the last 5 years prior to the year of admission to the University. However, the 20 units of APCs for the Unrestricted Elective Courses will be awarded to all diploma holders of approved programmes from Polytechnics in Singapore, regardless of when the diploma was completed, in recognition of the overall knowledge gained from a Polytechnic education. These 20 units of APCs are tagged at Level-1000 but will not be counted against the 60-unit limit on Level-1000 courses. This is because many Level-1000 courses are essential courses that students must complete before they can progress to the next level.

    Students are not required to submit any application as the APCs will be updated in students’ academic records within first two weeks of the first semester of study.

    With effect from the AY2021/22 cohort of undergraduate students, undergraduate students who have been granted 20 units of APCs towards Unrestricted Elective Courses, with a total of 20 to 39 units of APCs altogether are eligible for the APC Option exercise. During this exercise, which will be held in the middle of the students’ Year 1 Semester 2, students can opt to give up the 20 units of APCs granted towards Unrestricted Elective Courses. Exercising the option would allow students an additional 12 Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) units, that can be exercised on courses read and completed in their first year of study.

  3. Students from other tertiary institutions recognised by the University who have declared themselves as transfer students at the point of application for admission and are seeking APCs or exemption should apply to the Dean's Office of the Faculty concerned within the first week of the first semester of study. Please note that such APCs or exemption applications will be considered only at the point of admission to the University and approvals are subjected to the following:

    • The residency requirement (see here for details); and
    • The minimum unit requirements for Programme/Major/Second Major and Minor (see here for details).

Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Option

The Grade-free scheme, in the form of Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory (S/U) option, aims to provide a supportive and enabling environment for NUS undergraduates to make a successful transition to university life. It serves to facilitate a transformation in students' mindsets towards grades and learning in the university setting, as well as enable students to leverage opportunities for a holistic education. The Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory (S/U) option is also intended to encourage students to pursue their intellectual interests, without undue concern that exploring a new subject area may adversely affect their GPA.

At the end of a semester, letter grades for courses will be released to students. Under the S/U mechanism, students may choose to retain the letter grade and have it factored into the computation of their Grade Point Average (GPA), or choose to exercise the S/U option on a course, in which case the letter grade will not be shown on the transcript nor computed towards the GPA.

For courses completed from AY2021/22, an 'S' grade is assigned if a student receives a 'D' grade or above for the course. Conversely, students will receive a 'U' if the grade obtained is lower than a 'D' grade. For courses completed before AY2021/22, an 'S' grade is assigned if a student receives a 'C' grade or above for the course. Conversely, students will receive a 'U' if the grade obtained is lower than a 'C' grade. Units will be recognised towards the degree only if students attain a 'Satisfactory' (S) grade for the course.

For students admitted in AY2014/2015 and AY2015/2016:
Up to 32 units may be taken on an S/U basis, which may be exercised as follows:

  • for courses read in the student's first semester, for up to 20 units; and
  • for courses read at any time during a student's candidature, for up to 12 units.

Once an ‘S' or ‘U' grade is assigned to a course, it will count towards the 32-unit limit that can be taken on an S/U basis.

For students admitted from AY2016/2017 onwards:
In general, students may exercise the S/U option for up to 32 units for courses read in the first year, including the first two regular semesters and the first year special term; if this is not fully utilised, the S/U option may still be exercised for courses read in subsequent semesters, for up to 12 units.

Variations on the limit of S/U options that can be exercised may apply for specific groups of students, such as the following:

  1. Students without prior university experience but are granted 20 or more Advanced Placement Credits (APCs) at the point of admission to NUS may exercise the S/U option for up to 20 units for courses read in the first year; if this is not fully utilised, the S/U option may still be exercised for courses read in subsequent semesters, for up to 12 units.
  2. Students with some prior university experience (which are being recognised towards the NUS degree) may exercise the S/U option for up to 12 units for courses read anytime during their candidature, including the first year.
  3. Students with a prior university degree are not eligible for the grade-free scheme.

The S/U option will apply to all Level 1000 courses (with or without pre-requisites) and Level 2000 courses without other NUS courses as pre-requisites, unless otherwise stipulated by the Faculties/Departments.

The S/U declaration exercise will be conducted upon the release of examination results and will end by the stipulated deadline, which will be announced each semester. In each exercise, students can exercise S/U options on courses eligible for the S/U option read in the current semester, and those read in the preceding semesters in the same Academic Year. Thereafter, the student's decision will be considered final, and the student cannot amend or withdraw any S/U options exercised previously.

This scheme is not applicable to undergraduate students from Law, Medicine (except Nursing), Dentistry and Yale-NUS College.

For more details, please visit the S/U option home page in the Student Portal by clicking here.

(Students admitted prior to AY2016/2017 should refer to the S/U policy relevant to their year of admission in the Student Portal.)