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Peer Student Supporters

Feeling down? Getting stressed? PSS is here. You don't need to be an expert to lend a listening ear. Sometimes a good chat is all we need.

Peer Student Supporters (PSS)

Feeling stressed? Whether it’s adapting to student life, exams, or emotional disconnect, life can be stressful at NUS, but you are not alone. Our caring Peer Student Supporters are here to lend a listening ear.

They are fellow students who have undergone training to be equipped with skills to befriend and support peers. They'll be able to guide you to appropriate help and resources within campus. You don’t have to be an expert to help a friend!

During the semester, PSS are stationed at Pitstop@UTown- Mondays to Fridays (1-5pm).
Otherwise, please email to arrange for a session to speak with a PSS.

Throughout the year, PSS also organise outreach and wellness events to promote self-care and community-care. Follow them on Instagram @nus.pss to be updated.

What are the benefits of speaking with a peer?

Students may benefit from the support and empathy of a peer, and may choose to speak with a PSS for many reasons. Some students may find it easy to connect with a peer who is at a similar life stage and who may be experiencing similar life challenges. They may find the drop-in setup less intimidating than more formal services or they may be unsure if the issues they are facing warrant connecting with a professional. Speaking to a PSS is like speaking with a friend.

Who are our PSS?

A friendly face here to lend you a listening ear during your NUS journey. 

Meet our PSS in this series- Beyond Classmates: Profiles of Compassion and Connection.

Hear us on Spotify!

Join us as we converse about the challenges we face in our everyday life as NUS students and how we can care for our mental wellness!

Like what you are hearing? Follow Conversations on the Move on spotify.

Calling for PSS!

Interested to be a PSS & think you fit the bill? PSS recruitment is on-going. Please apply HERE and we will contact you if you have been shortlisted.

We are here for you


Tiffany Toh Yu Sum

Not many students come forth to seek help or want to talk, but I have learnt that there is so much beauty and power in just being present for someone.

- Tiffany Toh Yu Sum

Peer Student Supporter, Main Committee, Operations Head