Jackie Ng Medal and Prize in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Maternal Wellness

Donated in 2014 by Mrs Catherine Ng, an award will be made from an expendable sum of S$22,000.

The award is governed by the following conditions:

  1. Subject to rule 4 below, a gold medal and cash prize of S$750 will be awarded to the undergraduate medical student with the best research proposal and publication in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Maternal Wellness.
  2. Nomination reports must be submitted through the Dean's Office of the NUS Medicine for adjudication on or before a date to be fixed by the Office.
  3. The award will be made by the Board of Undergraduate Studies or its nominee.
  4. No award will be made unless there is a candidate of sufficient merit.
  5. If no award is made in any year, the unutilised amount will be added to the fund.
  6. This gift shall be governed by the University Statutes and Regulations, specifically Statute 7 on Gifts to the University and the corresponding Regulation.


Jane Prize in Paediatrics

First presented in 1951 by Dr Louis Sammy to commemorate the name of his sister, the original funds (amounting to $1,250) for the Jane Prize in Paediatrics were expended after fifteen awards had been made. In 1972, a further sum of $1,680 was donated by Dr P. S. Bun for the prize to be awarded in perpetuity.

The award is governed by the following conditions:

  1. Subject to rule 4 below, a cash prize of $100 will be awarded to the best clinical research paper on a Paediatrics subject based on the student's own research in the ward, home or post-mortem room.
  2. The prize is open to all fourth and fifth year medical students and essays must be submitted through the Dean of the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine for adjudication on or before a date to be fixed by the Dean of the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine.
  3. The prize will be awarded by the Board of Undergraduate Studies or its nominee.
  4. No award will be made unless there is a candidate of sufficient merit.
  5. This gift shall be governed by the University Statutes and Regulations, specifically, Statute 7 on Gifts to the University and the corresponding Regulation.


JCCI Singapore Foundation & JAS Medal and Prize

Donated in 1999 by the Japanese Chamber of Commerce & Industry Singapore Foundation (JCCI) and in 2015 by the Japanese Association, Singapore (JAS), the JCCI Singapore Foundation & JAS Medal and Prize are awarded from the proceeds of capital sums of S$15,000 from JCCI and S$75,000 from JAS. The award is governed by the following conditions:

  1. Subject to rule 3 below, the following will be awarded annually:
    1. A gold medal and cash prize of S$300 to the candidate who takes first place in Japanese Studies in the Arts 3 Examinations for the Bachelor degree in FASS.
    2. A silver medal and cash prize of S$200 to the candidate who takes second place in Japanese Studies in the Arts 3 Examinations for the Bachelor degree in FASS.
    3. A bronze medal and cash prize of S$100 to the candidate who takes third place in Japanese Studies in the Arts 3 Examinations for the Bachelor degree in FASS.
  2. The primary criterion is the Grade Point Average (GPA). The SJGPA (average grade point of all major courses read) shall be used as the tie-breaker.
  3. The awards will be made by the Board of Undergraduate Studies on the recommendation of the relevant Board of Examiners.
  4. No award will be made unless there is a candidate of sufficient merit.
  5. In the event of there being more than one candidate of equal merit for the award, the Board of Undergraduate Studies may, subject to funds being available, distribute the award or make additional awards in such manner as it deems fit.
  6. This gift shall be governed by the University Statutes and Regulations, specifically, Statute 7 on Gifts to the University and the corresponding Regulation.


Jazmyn Chelliah Medal and Prize

In June 2012, Dr Jazmyn Chelliah confirmed her interest to make a one-time donation of S$15,000 to the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, to establish the “Jazmyn Chelliah Medal and Prize”.

Dr Chelliah is a retired child psychologist who is also the sister-in-law of the late Dr John Anantharajah Tambyah and aunt of Dr Paul Anantharajah. Besides being a member of the Singapore Psychological Society, Dr Chelliah has also been an active volunteer with the Rotary Club, Children's Cancer Foundation, Club Rainbow, Children Aid Society and Association of Persons with Special Needs. She had previously made an endowed gift to the Faculty of Science, NUS, to establish a medal in honour of her late father, Ven Dr D D Chelliah.

The award is governed by the following conditions:

  1. The award, valued at S$1,000, will be given annually to the best overall Psychology honours graduate. The winner will receive a gold medal and a cash prize of S$1,000 less the value of the gold medal.
  2. Starting from AY2012/13, the prize will be awarded according to the following criteria:
    1. Subject to rule (c) below, the prize winner will be:
      1. The student with the highest Subject Grade Point Average (SJGPA) and a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 4.0, who has completed the Psychology major programme for the degree of B.Soc. Sci. (Hons).
      2. In case of a tie in SJGPA, the GPA will be used as a criterion for selecting the winner i.e. the graduate with the higher GPA will be awarded the prize.
    2. The prize will be awarded by the Board of Undergraduate Studies based on the recommendation of FASS Board of Examiners.
    3. No award will be made unless there is a candidate of sufficient merit.
    4. This gift shall be governed by the University Statutes and Regulations, specifically, Statute 7 on Gifts to the University and the corresponding Regulation.


Joanna Wong Medal

The Joanna Wong Medal was established in 2001 from donations received from family, friends and colleagues of Joanna Wong Quee Heng, former Registrar, to commemorate her retirement from the University. A gold medal will be awarded annually to a deserving graduating USP student.

The award is governed by the following conditions:

  1. Subject to rule 3 below, a gold medal will be awarded to the best graduating student from the University Scholars Programme.
  2. The medal will be awarded by the Board of Undergraduate Studies or its nominee.
  3. No award will be made unless there is a candidate of sufficient merit.
  4. This gift shall be governed by the University Statutes and Regulations, specifically, Statute 7 on Gifts to the University and the corresponding Regulation.


John Elliott Prize

In 2021, the Department of Psychology received an expendable gift of $15,000 to establish the John Elliott Prize for the best student in developmental psychology and to recognise excellence in our students. The award is governed by the following conditions:

  1. Subject to rule 4 below, the John Elliott Prize will be awarded annually to the best graduating student in developmental psychology who has completed the Psychology major programme for the degree of B.Soc.Sci. (Hons.).
  2. The primary criterion is the average grade point for developmental psychology courses, as determined by the Department, subject to all of the following eligibility criteria:
    1. At least an A- in PL3104/PL3234.
    2. At least an A- in the Honours Thesis (or its equivalent - e.g. Integrated Honours Thesis, Integrated Thesis) with a developmental psychology topic.
    3. Successful completion of at least two other developmental psychology courses.
    4. Attained an average grade point of at least 4.0 for all completed developmental psychology courses, not counting the Honours Thesis or its equivalent.
    5. The student should obtain at least a grade C for the developmental psychology courses to be considered. Only NUS courses (letter-graded) offered by the Department of Psychology will be considered.
  3. The award consists of a cash prize valued at S$500.
  4. No award will be made unless there is a candidate of sufficient merit.
  5. The prize will be awarded by the Board of Undergraduate Studies or its nominee.
  6. In the event of there being more than one candidate of equal merit for the award, the Board of Undergraduate Studies may, subject to funds being available, distribute the award or make additional awards in such manner as it deems fit.
  7. If no award is presented at any given year, the unutilised amount will be added back to the fund.
  8. This gift shall be governed by the University Statutes and Regulations, specifically, Statute 7 on Gifts to the University and the corresponding Regulation.


Journal of Southeast Asian Studies Prize

Presented in 1972 by the Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, the prize has a value not exceeding $50 and is awarded from the proceeds of a capital sum of $1,000. In 1996, the Department of History donated an additional sum of $5,884.10 to the capital sum to increase the value of the cash prize to $200. With this donation, the total capital sum stands at $8,900. From 2016, the prize quantum was further increased to $300. In 2023, the prize quantum has been increased from $300 to $500.

The prize is governed by the following conditions:

  1. Subject to rule 5 below, the prize will be awarded by the Board of Undergraduate Studies or its nominee to the best student in History in the Arts II examination for the Bachelor degree in FASS.
  2. Each award consists of a prize of $500 in the form of cash.
  3. The primary criterion is the Academic Year Subject Grade Point Average (AY-SJGPA). In case of a tie, the number of A+, A & A‐ obtained and the overall performance in the subject to date will be considered.
  4. In the event of there being more than one candidate of equal merit for the award, the Board of Undergraduate Studies may, subject to funds being available, distribute the award or make additional ward in such manner as it deems fit.
  5. No award shall be made unless there is a candidate of sufficient merit.
  6. This gift shall be governed by the University Statutes and Regulations, specifically, Statute 7 on Gifts to the University and the corresponding Regulation.


Justice A. V. Winslow Prize

Donated in 1990 by Mr V. K. Rajah in memory of the late Justice A. V. Winslow, a cash prize is awarded from the proceeds of a capital sum of $10,000.

  1. Subject to rule 2 below, the prize is awarded by the Board of Undergraduate Studies on the recommendation of the Faculty of Law to the student who performs best in the Examination for the subject Banking and Negotiable Instruments taking into account class performance, writing assignments and any other means of assessment.
  2. If in any year in the opinion of the Board of Undergraduate Studies, there is no candidate of sufficient merit, no award will be made.
  3. If in any year, there are two or more suitable candidates meriting the award, it shall be open to the Faculty of Law to recommend to the Board of Undergraduate Studies that the income or accumulated income available be distributed wholly or in part to such candidates.
  4. It shall not be obligatory to the Board of Undergraduate Studies to award in any one year the whole of the income of that year or of any accumulated income.
  5. A recommendation for the award of the prize will be made by the Faculty at the meeting at which the report of the relevant Board of Examiners is received.