Travel Preparedness Course

What is the Travel Preparedness Course (TPC)?

The Travel Preparedness Course (TPC), previously known as the Overseas Travel Preparedness Course (OTP), provides students with information on anticipating and mitigating risks, and handling emergencies while abroad. This is a compulsory course for all students who intend to embark on any NUS-endorsed overseas programme.

Who is this course for?

This course is compulsory for all students who intend to go on overseas programmes. You must complete the course at least 24 hours before you can apply for an overseas programme on EduRec-GE.

Course requirements

You must complete all the prescribed TPC instructional videos and quizzes to successfully complete the course.

You will only need to complete the course once during your candidature at NUS. If you have previously completed the course on LumiNus, you do not have to do it again.

Accessing the course

You can access the course on Canvas via

Frequently Asked Questions

About TPC

  1. Do I have to complete TPC?

    You must complete TPC if you are planning to go on an NUS-endorsed overseas programme. If you do not complete TPC, you will not be allowed to apply for NUS-endorsed overseas programmes on EduRec-Global Education.

  2. What does completion of the TPC entail?

    You will need to view the videos and complete the quiz under each of the 4 main sections of the TPC to be considered completed TPC. To confirm your completion of the course, you should see the the 'ticks' on your 'home' page as per screenshots here.

  3. When should I complete TPC?

    You are encouraged to complete TPC as soon as you decide to apply for an overseas programme. A delay in completion of TPC will result in a delay in your application for NUS-endorsed overseas programmes on EduRec.

  4. Am I required to register for TPC on CourseReg before reading it?
    No, you do not need to register for TPC to read the course. You can enrol for TPC on Canvas on your own by clicking this link:

    Alternatively, you may also search for TPC on Canvas via the following steps:
    Canvas → Global Navigation Menu (left column on page) → Courses → All Courses → Search for TPC by keying in 'Travel' and/or 'Preparedness' as keywords → Click "Search" → Click "+Join this Course" when you see Travel Preparedness Course pop up in the search results.

  5. Do I have to redo TPC each time I wish to apply for an NUS-endorsed overseas programme? 
    No, you will only need to complete TPC once during your candidature. However, if you feel like you need a refresher on how to anticipate risks and handle emergencies while abroad, you can always revisit TPC on Canvas

  6. Do I need to complete TPC if I have previously completed the Overseas Travel Preparedness Course (OTP)?
    No, if you have completed OTP via LumiNUS or Canvas previously, you do not have to complete TPC again.

  7. How long after I complete TPC will I be able to apply for overseas programmes on EduRec?
    You will be able to apply for your overseas programmes 24 hours after completing the TPC.

  8. How can I access TPC? 
    You can access TPC via

Technical questions

  1. I have completed TPC and waited for 24 hours but am still not able to apply for an overseas programme on EduRec Global Education. What should I do?

    Please ensure it has been more than 24 hours since you have submitted the 4 quizzes and tried to apply for programme in EduRec Global Education but are unable to.

    Please write to NUS Global at with:

    • the subject header "TPC completed but not able to apply for programme"  
    • your name,
    • matric number, and
    • screenshots of the completion of TPC on Canvas.

  2. I cannot see certain features of the course videos (e.g. “next” button, “flashing arrow” etc.). What should I do?

    The minimum screen resolution for this course is 1024px x 672px. If you have a lower default resolution, you can adjust your screen setting by:

    • Pressing F11 to switch to full screen mode, or
    • Changing the browser zoom setting. You can do so by clicking on “View” in the menu, and choosing “Zoom in” or “Zoom out”.

      For optimal user experience, we recommend that you view the videos using Google Chrome browser, with zoom settings at 75%.

      Note: You may only be able to see the arrow partially even after zooming out.

  3. When I try to view the videos/access SCORM, I see a login screen/error message/empty screen. What should I do?

    If you have problem accessing the videos/SCORM, check that your browser’s session cookies are enabled, then launch the course again.

    To enable cookies, please do the following:

    • For PCs or android: Open Google Chrome browser → Settings (3 vertical dots on the top right hand corner of the browser) → Privacy and security → Cookies and other site data → Select “Allow all cookies”.
    • For iPad or iPhone: Open Safari browser → Settings → Select “Safari” menu option → choose Cookies preference → disable “Prevent cross-site tracking"