Student Exchange Programmes

Student Exchange Programme (SEP)

The Student Exchange Programme (SEP) reflects NUS' commitment to global education, allowing NUS undergraduates to spend a semester or two at an overseas partner University, earning credits towards their NUS degree. The list of overseas partners includes top universities from over 40 countries around the world.

SEP is a chance for students to experience student life in a foreign country and learn to be a global citizen. It is a good opportunity for students to pick up a new language, absorb new cultures and make new friends. A stint overseas will also enhance career options. Financial assistance may be available for needy students.

Through the Global Relations Office (GRO), more than 1000 exchange placements are arranged for NUS students each year.

Students who wish to remain in Singapore and experience student life and learning at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore Management University (SMU), Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS), Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), or Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) may apply for the Singapore Universities Student Exchange Programme (SUSEP) with their home faculty’s exchange office.

Summer Winter Programmes

Summer/Winter Programmes occur during vacation periods and offer students the opportunity to live and travel abroad, all while earning credits towards their NUS degree. These programmes may be conducted by overseas partners or non-partners.

During their studies, students may map up to a maximum of 10 units for each Summer Programme and up to a maximum of 5 units for each Winter Programme. Course mapping will be subject to approval from the respective Faculties/Schools.

In addition to Summer/Winter Programme fees paid to the host university, students will incur Special Term tuition fees if they want to transfer credits back to NUS from these programmes. The University will grant students a fee waiver for up to 2 Summer/Winter Programmes and up to a total of 12 units transferred during their studies in NUS. Students should inquire with the SEP administrators/coordinators at their respective home Faculty/School Dean's Office or the academic department on being considered for a fee waiver.